Work-study program at Sup de Pub

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Comment fonctionne l’alternance à Sup de Pub ?

A l’école, les étudiants de toutes les filières ont la possibilité d’effectuer leur alternance dès la 3ème année.
En 3ème année, le rythme sera de 2 jours à l’école et 3 jours en entreprise pendant 12 mois à partir de septembre.
En 4ème année, les étudiants faisant leur rentrée en septembre sont sur un rythme de 1 semaine/2 semaines environ en filière francophone. Pour les filières anglophones, le rythme est de 2 jours d’école et 3 jours en entreprise.
Les étudiants faisant leur rentrée en avril, suivent un planning inverse : en commençant par un temps plein entreprise d’avril à octobre, puis un rythme alterné d’octobre à mars.
En 5ème année, les étudiants suivent 1 jour de formation toutes les 2 semaines et 8 semaines de séminaires durant l’année. Le reste du temps se déroule en entreprise.

Types of contracts

The apprenticeship contract

This written contract of employment for a limited period (CDL) or for an indefinite period (CDI) is made between an employee and an employer. It allows you to follow a sandwich course in a company under the responsibility of an apprentice master and in an apprentice training center (CFA) for 3 to 6 years.
The company and the OPCO pay for the entire cost of the training. The contract can start 3 months before the training start date and end 2 months after the training end date.

The maximum age is 29 years (30 years minus 1 day).

The maximum age may be increased to 34 years (35 years minus 1 day) in the following cases:

  • The apprentice wants to sign a new contract to obtain a higher level of diploma than the one already obtained
  • The apprentice’s previous contract was broken for reasons beyond his or her control
  • The apprentice’s previous contract was terminated due to physical and temporary incapacity

In these cases, no more than 1 year must elapse between the 2 contracts.

There is no age limit in the following cases:

  • The apprentice is recognized as a disabled worker
  • The apprentice plans to create or take over a company that requires a diploma (example: Acre, Nacre or Cape individualized assistance system)
  • The apprentice is a person registered as a high performance athlete.
  • The apprentice does not obtain the diploma or professional title in question. In this case, the apprenticeship can be extended for a maximum of 1 year with a new contract with another employer.

Article 23 of Law No. 2018-217 of March 29, 2018 provides that the apprenticeship contract may be performed in part abroad.
Your working hours are identical to those of other employees. The legal working time is 35 hours per week. You are entitled to the legal paid vacations, i.e. 5 weeks of paid vacations per year. The employer has the option of imposing the period of time during which you can take your leave.
For the preparation of the exams, you are entitled to an additional 5 working days of leave in the month preceding the exams (this leave is split to adapt to the continuous assessment). These days are in addition to paid vacations and are paid.
Benefits to the student:
The apprentice is entitled to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. As such, the laws, regulations and collective agreement are applicable to them under the same conditions as to other employees, insofar as their provisions are not incompatible with the requirements of their training.
Base Compensation:
It varies according to your age, and increases with each new year of your contract. Collective bargaining agreements or contractual provisions may provide for more favorable compensation for the employee.

-18 years old18-20 years old21-25 years old26 years and older
1st year27% of the minimum wage*.53% of the minimum wage53% of the minimum wage100% of the minimum wage
2nd year39% of the minimum wage51% of the minimum wage61% of the minimum wage100% of the minimum wage
3rd year55% of the minimum wage67% of the minimum wage78% of the minimum wage100% of the minimum wage
*or the conventional minimum wage if it is more favorable

The apprentice’s remuneration may be higher depending on the agreements applicable to the company: collective agreement, group or company agreement.

From a tax point of view, you benefit from 3 main advantages:
– No employee contributions are deducted from your gross salary up to 79% of the SMIC (i.e. €1,202). The part of the remuneration above this amount remains subject to contributions.
– Your salary is exempt from CSG and CRDS.
– Your salary is exempt from income tax up to the annual minimum wage

The professionalization contract

This employment contract covers the entirety of your training (1 year), during which you have the status of an employee. This includes a one-month trial period. Within this framework, your training is financed on the one hand by your company and on the other hand by an OPCO (Opérateur de Compétences) to which the company contributes for professional training.
The amount of the reimbursement depends on the number of effective hours of training and the hourly rate of the OPCO’s reimbursement. If the OPCO does not cover the entire cost of the training, the remainder must be paid by your host company and the balance can be financed from the training plan.
Thus, the training is fully covered by your company and their OPCO. We invite your company to contact its OPCO to find out how much the organization will pay.
In addition to this amount, your salary is 80% of the SMIC on a 35-hour basis if you are between 21 and 25 years old, and 100% of the SMIC from 26 years old. This salary may be increased depending on the collective agreement of your host company.
In addition, as an employee, you must register with the CPAM of your city or district. You benefit from exactly the same rights as all employees in terms of paid leave (special and family events as well as “any more favorable provision granted by the collective agreement or by the practices within the company”).
In addition to the legal holidays, you benefit from paid vacations according to the system applicable in the company, i.e. 2.5 days per month completed over the reference period from June 1st of the previous year to May 31st of the current year, which makes a total of 5 weeks of paid vacations for 12-month contracts.

People involved:

The professionalization contract is intended for the following people:

  • Young people from 16 to 25 years old (26 years old minus one day) to complete their initial training
  • Beneficiary of the RSA
  • Beneficiary of the specific solidarity allowance (ASS)
  • Beneficiary of the disabled adults allowance (AAH)
  • Person leaving a single integration contract (CUI)

Benefits to the student:
The holder of a professionalization contract is a full-fledged employee. As such, the laws, regulations and collective agreement are applicable to them under the same conditions as to other employees, insofar as their provisions are not incompatible with the requirements of their training.
Base Compensation:
The amount varies according to your age and your initial level of training.

Before entering a professional contract-21 years old21-25 years old26 years old
Professional or technological baccalaureate65% of the minimum wage80% of the minimum wage85% minimum smc without being < 100% smic
General baccalaureate55% of the minimum wage70% of the minimum wage85% minimum smc without being < 100% smic
*ssmc: conventional minimum wage

Your work-study kit

To help you understand all the terms and conditions of work-study contracts, we offer you this kit to help you with your procedures.

The corporate relations department

Your Career Center, a consulting and placement unit, helps you establish a coherent professional project, accompanies you in your search for a company and prepares you for recruitment interviews through simulations and personal branding.

  • CV and cover letter coaching & interview preparation
  • Distribution of internship and work-study offers from our partners – 3000 offers
  • Work-study platform: https: //
  • Organization of business forums throughout the year
  • A network of more than 6000 partner companies – 11 000 alumni
  • IAB partnership – 140 partner companies – 40 internship or work-study offers

The alternating schedules



SP5 Fall

SP4/SP5 – Spring

SP5 English



If you have any questions about your contract, please do not hesitate to contact them:

Bordeaux – 05 56 00 69 32
Companies, you have an internship or work-study offer, contact us: – 05 56 00 69 32
If you would like to participate in our forums or job-dating events, please contact us: – 05 56 00 69 32
Executive Training/VAE/Certifications
Violaine LE DILY – 06 20 71 62 62

Lyon – 04 72 71 14 74
Companies, you have an internship or work-study offer, contact us: – 04 72 71 14 78
If you wish to participate in our forums or job datings, please contact us: – 04 72 71 14 78


A discord platform is at your disposal to have access to information related to the search for contracts, work-study calendars and the name of your contact person according to your training.

Quelques chiffres

Chaque année, Sup de Pub édite près de


Contrats de professionnalisation


Conventions de stage


Offres de stage ou d’alternance

Each year, each apprenticeship training center must make available to anyone who requests it the following:

– the rate of obtaining diplomas or professional titles,
– the rate of further study,
– the rate of interruption during training,
– the rate of professional integration of the institution’s graduates, following the training provided,
– the added value of the establishment.

The breakage rate of apprenticeship contracts concluded is also made public each year. (Article L6111-8 of the Labour Code)

You can request them by clicking here.

Updated 22 June 2023