Home » Master of Sciences in AI

Master of Sciences in AI

The sector in a few figures

The world of artificial intelligence


≈ 40%

3 250


A booming market

Key skills in this specialisation

  • Designing a communication strategy with AI.
  • Collecting data.
  • Organise and interpret them.
  • Carrying out projective studies.
  • Implementing customer acquisition and retention strategies.
  • Learn how to drive AI effectively.
  • Adopting the right approach to customers.

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Objective employment

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of our former students

Our training courses are cutting-edge, and in phase with the evolution of our businesses.

Isabelle JacquotHR Director

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all you need to know

AI: all our online resources

Le Figaro Etudiant 2025 Ranking


Sup de Pub takes 2nd place in the ranking of communication schools!

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The Brand Immersion

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The Pub Night

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