Master of Science in Corporate Communication and Public Relations
Develop your public relations expertise and learn how to defend a brand’s image
1st year postgraduate, 3rd year undergraduate
Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris
RNCP qualification
Level 7 RNCP qualification “Content Manager
Net employment rate 6 months after graduation
Top 2
Figaro Étudiant school rankings
+10 000
companies that recruit our students
This course is accessible to people with disabilities.
Reasons to do a master of
science in communication and
public relations
The MSc Corporate Communication and Public Relations perfectly combines theory and practice. It trains people who are attracted by the challenges of brand image and reputation, while equipping them with the essential knowledge to deal with crisis situations…
What are the training objectives?
To train professionals capable of having a global vision of the company and mastering corporate communication and public relations strategies. They will gain an understanding of the dynamics of influence and develop skills in reputational and institutional communication, in order to defend the interests and image of the brand to its various audiences.
What are the key skills developed during this training?
- Audit the brand’s content strategy
- Defining the brand’s content strategy
- Orchestrate the creation and publication of brand content
- Overseeing the performance of the content strategy
- Managing the brand’s public relations – influential content
Which campuses offer this program?
Campuses in the heart of France’s major student cities, in iconic locations close to transports.
the courses
What are the courses on the MSc Corporate Communication and Public Relations?
During the two years of the MSc Corporate Communication and Public Relations, you will focus on the following themes:
- Corporate and political communication
- Internal and corporate communications
- Press and media relations
- Institutional relations and lobbying
- Insights and trends
- Image and reputation strategy
- Content and social media strategy
- Media planning and media strategy
- Crisis management and fake news
- E-reputation.
The diploma is obtained by acquiring 120 ECTS through a series of individual or collective written or oral work placements.
Create your start-up
Including the flagship end-of-year project: Create your own start-up. Learners form mixed project groups from different specialties to carry out this major pedagogical exercise. The aim is to acquire the entrepreneurial skills needed to create their own fictitious start-up. Those who wish to do so will have the opportunity to join the Omnes Education incubator, where they will be supported in the real deployment of their concept.
These are the highlights of the training program, and provide an opportunity for students to put themselves into professional situations. Students work on a real customer brief presented by the agency and/or the Brand, to respond to an acquisition or loyalty issue. This cross-disciplinary recommendation is carried out collectively, with deliverables distributed according to the skills of each student.
An in-company professionalization period is also required during the course.
Learning on the job
Professional experience
Sup de Pub’s MSc Corporate Communication and Public Relations is a professionally-oriented course that will prepare you perfectly for a successful entry into the job market. As part of a work-study or internship, you’ll develop all the skills and knowledge you need to thrive in public relations.
How does the work-study work?
In the MSc, the work-study pattern is one week in the classroom and three weeks in the company.
Which work-study contracts are available?
2 types of contract: apprenticeship contract or professionalisation contract. Each contract is aimed at a specific target group and has its own characteristics
Will the school help me find a work-study?
Yes, we support you with coaching workshops and by sharing job offers from our 10,000 partner companies.
Companies that recruit our students

What career opportunities are there after this course?
Graduates of the MSc Corporate Communication and Public Relations can look forward to exciting careers in institutions, PR agencies, communications agencies and advertisers (mainly SMEs and large groups).
The professions
External Communications Director
Internal Communications Director
Corporate Communications Manager
Head of PR
Influence consultant
Can I study abroad?
The MSc Corporate Communication and Public Relations does not include a period abroad. However, it is possible to study abroad before your 4th year or to do work placements abroad during your course if you do not opt for a sandwich course.
admission process
How do I apply for this course?
A quick and easy online admissions process
Completion of 180 ECTS (level 6, Bachelor’s degree or equivalent)
In communications, marketing or advertising
Successful results
1 written and 1 oral exam
Completion of 240 ECTS (Bac+4 or equivalent)
In the field of visual creation, graphic design, audiovisual creation or animation
Successful results
For entry to the 1-year course, experience in a company in the marketing or communications sector is a prerequisite for entry.
Online application form
Results within 5 days
Invitation to the admission exams
Online registration
Exams and interview with the jury
Which certification is issued
by the msc Corporate Communication and Public Relations?
This program delivers the state-approved RNCP “Content Manager” level 7 certification. RNCP CODE 37776 | DIPLOMA CODE 16X32038
Certification skills block
Bloc 1 – Audit brand content strategy
Bloc 2 – Define brand content strategy
Bloc 3 – Orchestrate the creation and publication of branded content
Bloc 4 – Oversee content strategy performance
Bloc 5 – Manage brand public relations – Influential content
Fees and grants
What are the financing conditions?
Find out here about admission fees by campus and by year of study, as well as the solutions and grants available to help finance your studies.
MSc 1 full-time | MSc 2 full-time | MSc 1+2 work-study | MSc 2 work-study | |
Paris | €10,850 | €11,350 | €23,000 | €11,850 |
Lyon | €10,650 | €11,150 | €22,500 | €11,650 |
Bordeaux | €10,650 | €11,150 | €22,500 | €11,650 |
Rennes | €10,650 | €11,150 | €22,500 | €11,650 |
- Student loan can be negotiated with one of our partner banks
- Payment schedules
- Discount for siblings enrolled in one of the group’s schools
- 100% tuition reimbursement for work-study students
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