What is a Bachelor’s degree?
Definition of a Bachelor’s degree
The Bachelor’s degree is not strictly speaking a diploma. It is a school qualification for academics who have completed 3 or 4 years of study after the baccalauréat. This corresponds to 180 [or 240] ECTS credits. Many institutions now award this title to their students.
Recognition criteria for a real Bachelor’s degree
Today, there are three parameters for identifying a real Bachelor:
- RNCP [Répertoire National de Certification Professionnelle] certification issued by France Compétence. Its purpose is to ensure the acquisition of technical skills;
- the licence visa. This is a quality label awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education. It is valid for a maximum of six years. This document attests to the good academic level required to pursue a Master’s degree at a grande école;
- The bachelor’s degree for Bachelors, applicable since last year. This precious title has been awarded to several dozen grandes écoles. It is awarded on the basis of the quality of teaching, the partnership network and the number of teachers or researchers. Bachelors are also eligible for Crous grants.
What is the value of a Bachelor’s degree?
The Bachelor’s degree enables students to acquire the skills they need to master a particular field from the very first year. Bachelors take part in work placements and workshops to deepen their professional experience. The courses are taught by in-company experts. The diploma awarded at the end of the course is recognised by the State.
The Bachelor’s degree also stands out for its international dimension. It is valid throughout the world. Finally, the Bachelor’s degree is recognised as being easily accessible. Most schools now offer this course on a sandwich basis, so that students can combine theoretical courses with practical experience.
What is the difference between a Bachelor’s degree and a licence?
The Bachelor’s degree is a professional training course delivered by public schools. It is highly sought after by companies looking for talent that is immediately operational. The disciplines studied as part of a Bachelor’s degree include :
- commercial management ;
- international management ;
- digital marketing ;
- international trade…
The study of these foundations then leads to a specialisation in Masters [entrepreneurship, sustainable development, motion design, 2D and 3D animation, etc.]. The Bachelor’s degree, on the other hand, is aimed at academics in the midst of their academic training. As a result, Bachelor’s courses are more focused on the profession than on teaching.
What is the difference between a Bachelor’s degree and a BTS?
Both courses are of short duration: a bac +2 level for the BTS and abac +3 level for the Bachelor. The BTS specialises students in a particular field [accounting, commerce, sales, etc.]. The Bachelor’s degree, on the other hand, covers a wider range of disciplines: management, communication, marketing, etc. Students specialise in a particular profession after 2 or 3 years of study [entrepreneurship, HR, banking, insurance, tourism, etc.].
What are the advantages of a Bachelor’s degree?
A valuable title in the eyes of recruiters
Bachelor’s degree holders have the professional experience required by recruiters. Recent graduates are particularly attractive. In fact, some of them have already completed two years of work experience .
Preparing for the world of work
The work placements and seminars offered to Bachelors are essential for their professional future. These programmes help to broaden their network of colleagues once they are in working life. This makes it much easier to find a job. Some communication schools have partnerships with companies.
Access to the international labour market
A Bachelor’s degree gives graduates the opportunity to build an international career. Their ability to adapt to different cultures attracts companies from all over the world. What’s more, they have been trained to master a range of languages, such as English, that are widely used around the world. Added to this is their general cultural awareness and multicultural management skills.
A prerequisite for continuing on to a Master’s degree
The most ambitious students do not stop at Bachelor’s level. They have the right to continue their studies at Master’s level to specialise in the field of their choice. The Bac +5 level gives access to high-level positions thanks to complementary skills. A Master’s degree, for example, gives access to executive and director positions within companies.
Does Sup de Pub offer Bachelor’s level courses?
Sup de Pub offers Bachelor’s level courses in communication on its campuses. The first year is devoted to an introduction to and discovery of the world of communication and design. These skills are then deepened in the second year to cover the digital sector. In the third year, students can choose from a range of specialisations:
- global communication ;
- visual and digital creation ;
- brand strategy ;
- digital communication ;
- communication & writing.