What is a post-bac course?
A post-bac course is a career path that you can embark on after you have obtained your baccalauréat diploma. There are many different types of post-bac course. You can go to specialist schools, universities or training establishments. This wide choice makes it easy to find the right centre for your course. The post-bac course can last from 1 to 5 years, depending on the course you wish to follow.
What post-bac courses are available for short studies?
If you’re looking for a short course of study, the solution is to choose between a DUT and a BTS. These are two-year post-baccalauréat courses, depending on the sector chosen. The DUT or diplôme universitaire de technologie is a post-baccalauréat vocational training course or equivalent. There are more than 115 institutes offering this type of education. The BTS or brevet de technicien supérieur (higher technician’s diploma), on the other hand, is a diploma that is prepared at a lycée. To obtain this diploma, in addition to the training, you must also complete work placements in a company.
Doing a preparatory course after the baccalauréat.
Post-bac courses also include preparatory classes. For this, there are the classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles or CPGE and the TSI or technology, engineering science. This is a three-year course offered by several establishments. The first year of study is a refresher course, and the remaining 2 years allow you to study the subject in greater depth. Admission to the schools is by application. This is a full-time course that enables students to learn more about economics, law, management and business. Students can benefit from tutorials and support from former graduates to ensure that they master their skills.
Starting university after the bac.
University education is a classic form of post-bac education. It is based on the LMD system. This includes the Licence, the Master and the Doctorat. You can start the course after your baccalauréat, by entering the first year of the licence or L1. This is as follows:
- Licence: this is a three-year course leading to a professional licence;
- Master’s degree: you can only access this after you have obtained your bachelor’s degree. This is a 2-year course that allows you to specialise in a particular field. At the end of the course, you can either go straight into a job that matches your qualifications or continue your studies;
- PhD : a 2 to 3 year course, supervised by the research director. The doctorate culminates in the preparation, writing and defence of your thesis.
Go to a specialised school after the baccalauréat.
At a specialised school, you can be admitted after the baccalauréat, with a bac +2 or bac +3. In some cases, schools may accept applications from students in their final year. You register on the national pre-registration platform, Parcoursup. Other specialist schools have their own application procedures. Students are recruited for this post-bac course by selective sorting of applications. There are also tests to pass and an interview. If you are thinking of applying during your final year of secondary school, you should prepare for your baccalaureate and admission to the school at the same time.
Fields of study for post-baccalaureate courses.
There is a wide choice of post-bac courses. To make your choice, you need to look at the sector of activity you want to work in once you’re in the workforce. Possible courses are :
- commerce, marketing and communication ;
- engineering ;
- management, economics and accounting ;
- paramedical and health ;
- tourism and hotels ;
- arts and literature ;
- digital and IT ;
- political science and human science ;
- agricultural sector ;
- journalism.
This is a non-exhaustive list. It varies depending on the training school.
Post-bac schools outside Parcoursup.
Despite the convenience of the Parcoursup platform, schools sometimes offer other methods of applying. This year, some post-baccalaureate courses are not available on this platform. These include :
- Business schools: many business schools recruit students on their own websites. This is the case for the largest schools, such as sup de pub ;
- BTS : this is a very popular course for students. It enables students to study and quickly join a company. There are more than 150 BTS specialities to choose from;
- Engineering schools: to get into these schools, you must apply only on their website or during open days;
- Communication and digital schools: this field is booming. To study digital at supdepub, you can apply online.
What post-bac courses does Supdepub offer?
Sup de pub is a leading communications school offering 6 areas of expertise. These are post-baccalaureate courses in the fields that are most essential in today’s world. These are :
- marketing ;
- communication strategy;
- digital ;
- media ;
- of creation ;
- and luxury.
You can enter after the bac and up to bac +4. The school’s recruitment procedure takes place outside Parcoursup. Sup de Pub offers several types of training, including traditional, initial and sandwich courses. The school’s immersive teaching methods enable students to find work easily after graduation.