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How do I get into a marketing school?

Would you like to benefit from a versatile training programme? At the same time, do you want to specialise in marketing and sales strategies? Joining a business school is an excellent alternative to meet your needs. However, you need to prepare well in advance to gain access to this type of establishment. Find out how…

In a nutshell:

  • A good marketing school generally offers a multi-skilled curriculum.
  • It enables you to master business, marketing, finance, communication and advertising.
  • We’ve been preparing for this since our A-levels.
  • Marketing schools offer a wide range of career opportunities.
  • Admission is generally by competitive examination or by selection of applications.

What is a marketing school?

A marketing school is an establishment that gives you the opportunity to do your postgraduate studies in marketing and related fields. When you graduate from this type of school, you will normally be expected to be versatile. As well as marketing, you will need to master business, finance, communication and advertising.

Why go to a marketing school?

Many students choose to go toa marketing school because it offers a wide range of career opportunities. When you leave a marketing school, you can enter a wide range of professions. What’s more, most of the courses on offer are professionally oriented.

Another good thing about marketing schools is that they allow you to gain experience more quickly. To do this, some of them have partnerships with major companies. Others even give their students the opportunity to develop internationally by partnering with foreign companies.

Many marketing schools, such as Supdepub , also offer sandwich courses. This is to give you the opportunity to obtain a degree while working. In this way, many students benefit from their first professional experience while continuing their higher education.

How do I get into a marketing school?

You’ll need to prepare for entry to a marketing school from the baccalaureate. To get into one, you need to have a general, vocational or technological baccalaureate. Now that the bac has been reformed, it’s best to go straight for the maths you’ll still need at a marketing school.

Most marketing schools require applicants to sit a competitive examination, after which the best candidates are taken on. Others require admission on the basis of a selection of applications. Very often, these schools ask you to attend an interview.

What do you learn at a marketing school?

What you learn in marketing school are the business strategies used to optimise sales. You can sell a product, a brand or a service. In all these cases,marketing school teaches you to be effective in developing your plans, programmes and strategies. The main aim is to develop your business or that of the company you work for.

What career opportunities are there after a marketing school?

Graduates of a marketing school very often manage to find a job as soon as they leave the course. This is especially true of students who have opted for an apprenticeship contract. Since marketing schools often impose compulsory work placements, students develop their professional network very early on.

If you opt for a sandwich course, the company where you work can keep you on as a permanent employee. The good thing about marketing is that you can move from one profession to another without too much difficulty. Your training at a marketing school is generally comprehensive and versatile.

You could start out as an assistant in a company. With time and a little experience, you can rise to the position of manager, then executive and finally director. In the best of cases, you may even choose to become an entrepreneur.

How do I get into Sup de Pub, a marketing and communications school?

If you want to enter SupdePub to study marketing and/or communication, you need to sit an entrance exam. So if you want to see the list of programmes available at the school, come to our site. For further information, go to the FAQ section of the site.

What marketing programmes does Sup de Pub offer?

You can follow a marketing programme at SupdePub. All you need to know is which subjects to choose. For example, you could opt for a 5-year degree in Digital Marketing, Innovation and Start-ups.