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Back-to-school seminar B2


As part of their second year at Sup de Pub, students take part in an immersive back-to-school seminar. This workshop enables them to develop skills in storytelling, project management and audiovisual production.

The project

We asked students to make a mini-film to quickly get back into the swing of Sup de Pub projects after a few well-deserved months off after the 1st year.

The subject was set. You had to draw 2 cards at random: one representing a famous person, the other an everyday object.

The result? A wide range of projects, reflecting the diversity of ideas and approaches.

Challenges met

The seminar presented the students with concrete challenges, encouraging them to combine creativity and technical skills.

  • Design an original screenplay incorporating the constraints imposed
  • Working effectively as part of a multi-talented team
  • Shoot, edit and finalise a film in a limited amount of time
  • Add a personal touch while respecting the instructions
  • Ensure a clear and convincing presentation of the project


The winning mini-film, about Naruto and a cotton bud

Actors: Maël Jouny, Yanis Zeghoudi
Writing: Hedda Hamoumou, Yasmine Benkritly, Charlotte Piquion, Maël Jouny, Aubin Guichard, Yanis Zeghoudi, Dylan Rock, Ghilès Oulebsir
Presentation: Charlotte Piquion, Maël Jouny
Montage / Cadrage / Étalonnage: Dylan Rock
Sound Design: Jacques Mirkovic
Design Graphique: Aubin Guichard
Metteur en Scène: Yanis Zeghoudi

The role of the school

Sup de Pub plays a key role in the training of its students, offering them a stimulating educational framework and concrete tools to help them flourish. This seminar takes a practical approach, encouraging the development of creativity, collaboration and adaptability – essential qualities for success in the communications and creative professions.

In a nutshell

A program to bring your ambitions to life