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Which baccalaureate should I take to study luxury marketing?

To prepare for your higher education studies, you need to start at secondary school, as early as seconde or première. If you want to study luxury marketing, you’ll need to take a number of specialist subjects at secondary school. Here are three subjects to choose from for your future studies:

  • mathematics, even if it’s not your strong point: whatever luxury speciality you choose later on, you’ll still need a good grounding in it. During your final year, this science subject will enable you to apply for a number of courses when the time comes;
  • Modern foreign or regional languages: these days, almost all luxury programmes are in English. If you want to get into an institution easily, it makes sense to specialise in languages. What’s more, it will enable you to consider studying abroad or doing exchanges abroad during your course;
  • economic and social sciences: this is a subject that will help you develop your general knowledge.

To studyluxury marketing, you can choose an ES or STMG bac.

Which optional subjects should I take at Lycée if I want to study luxury marketing?

As well as the three specialities mentioned above, there are other subjects that can help you get into a luxury programme. Even if they are optional, it’s always best not to neglect them. They will help to enrich your knowledge and your career path. There are, for example, general optional subjects in the arts: history of the arts, visual arts, etc.

Art is one of France’s specialities. It is therefore considered a luxury field. If this is a field that appeals to you, this optional course will be of benefit to you. Today, there are several higher education establishments that already specialise in culture and art. Their diplomas are even recognised by the State. Other optional subjects to take at lycée if you want to study luxury marketing are: artistic workshop, creation and design culture, management and administration.

Parcoursup courses for studying luxury marketing

It’s worth noting that there are a variety of courses that allow you to study luxury marketing. There are some that are integrated on the Parcoursup platform, including :

  • non-selective courses at public universities. These are bachelor’s degrees, and for luxury marketing, there is the Licence pro marketing de luxe ;
  • short, selective courses that select applicants on the basis of a competitive examination or portfolio. These include luxury BTSs and BUTs, formerly DUTs;
  • long selective courses, which are generally preparatory classes for the Grandes Écoles (CPGE). These enable you to go on to training in luxury marketing. These long selective courses also include courses at public schools. Many business and management schools are accessible directly after the baccalauréat on Parcoursup. They offer courses in luxury marketing. Entry is often via competitive entrance exams common to several establishments.

Non-Parcoursup courses for studying luxury marketing

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for on Parcoursup, you should know that there are also courses outside Parcoursup that allow you to study luxury marketing. There are :

  • post-baccalaureate business school courses, which are accessible via competitive entrance examinations with tests specific to the school and common tests. These lead to state-recognised diplomas at levels 6 and 7. The programmes help you to acquire marketing knowledge for all the elements that make up luxury: art of living, jewellery and watchmaking, hotels, wines and spirits, fashion and accessories, perfumes and cosmetics. For example, you can opt for the following programmes: Marketing & Communication du Luxe, Luxury Brand Communication & Marketing, Luxury, Art & Fashion Marketing, Marketing & Communication de la Culture et des Arts ;
  • private preparatory classes ;
  • BTS outside Parcoursup;
  • hotel school courses.