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Work-study bachelor degree: principles and advantages

These days, more and more students are turning to Bachelor’s courses to prepare for their professional future. With this in mind, many institutions are offering work-study Bachelor degrees. But what are the principles and advantages of this type of training? That’s what you can find out by reading on! How does a work-study bachelor’s degree…

How does a work-study bachelor’s degree work?

A work-linked Bachelor’s degree generally lasts three years. Graduates earn 180 ECTS credits. As part of a sandwich course, students alternate theory classes with work placements in companies. However, the pace varies depending on the participants and the schools chosen. Some schools, for example, offer 2 days at university and 3 days in the workplace.

During the first year, the training provided remains basic. They provide students with all the knowledge they need about the professional world and their chosen profession.

In a nutshell:

During this core curriculum, teachers give general courses to Bachelors. This knowledge is then expanded in the second year.

In the third year, participants are directed towards a specific specialization. These include

  • The trade
  • Management
  • The economy
  • Accounting and finance
  • Human resources management
  • Marketing

Who finances the sandwich course?

Work-linked Bachelors also benefit from the advantages of paid work placements. The host company covers some or all of the student’s tuition fees. Other financial aid is available for work-linked Bachelors who wish to work abroad. This is particularly the case with Erasmus + grants.

What is the salary for a work-study Bachelor degree?

Under an apprenticeship contract, the salary is assessed as a percentage of the minimum wage. Here again, age and the progress of the training cycle must be taken into account. By way of illustration, work-linked Bachelors courses can conclude an apprenticeship contract up to the age of 29. In this case, the salary for 26-29 year-olds will be the equivalent of the minimum wage, whatever the year of training.

What are the advantages of a work-study Bachelor’s degree?

  • Remuneration for work-linked Bachelors is exempt from social security contributions
  • Employers benefit from discounts on employer contributions
  • A wide range of courses are on offer, covering all diplomas (CAP, BTS, DUT, Licence, Master).
  • The speakers have solid professional experience
  • Work-linked Bachelors courses give you the chance to learn and work at the same time, while being paid for it
  • Work-linked training facilitates integration into working life
  • Promotes continuity of studies towards a Master’s degree

Does Sup de Pub offer work-study programs?