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The certification of a title is an important criterion in your search for a training center. A certified title is essential for the course of the training, but also once in the world of work. Among the most useful titles, we have the RNCP title. More and more centers have been requesting this certification for over 10 years. Discover all about this title.
What is an rncp designation or certification?
An rncp title is a diploma registered in the RNCP or the national directory of professional certification. The RNCP is a register that lists the different training courses, as well as the titles certified by the CNCP. This is the National Commission for Professional Certification.
Every training in schools and training centers are listed. The list also includes descriptive sheets concerning the skills acquired during the training. The directory contains the various possible outlets after obtaining the title. This qualification can be obtained following an initial training or a sandwich course.
What is the value of a training registered with the rncp?
A certified RNCP title is a guarantee of quality for its holder. It serves to demonstrate the skills and extensive knowledge gained from the training. With multiple training institute choices, the certified designation is a way to differentiate yourself.
For students, certification is a guarantee of the performance of the teaching teams. It allows for better professional integration. It is an easy way to find a suitable position in the working world. For companies, the rncp title is an essential recruitment criterion.
What are the rncp levels?
The list of training courses registered in the RNCP is classified into several levels. In fact, we have 6 levels in the register:
- level 8: this is the doctoral degree;
- level 7 : it is the title rncp level 1 of bac +5 and more;
- level 6: this is the rncp level 2 title. This title concerns the bac +3 and +4 ;
- level 5 : this diploma is the level 3 in rncp title;
- level 4: this level is equivalent to the baccalaureate diploma;
- level 3: this is the level before the baccalaureate, i.e. BEP or CAP.
NCCP level 7
Level 7 is an RNCP title that concerns professional masters and engineering. This is the case for the State diplomas in architecture or DEEA or the DNSEP Diplôme national supérieur d’expression plastique.
This also applies to the degrees of the majority of business and engineering schools. The RNCP 7 level is a diploma that allows you to enter a position of high responsibility with a very attractive salary. It is obtained after 5 to 6 years of study depending on the school.
NCCP level 6
This title takes into account different diplomas, such as:
- the BUT or the Bachelor of Technology diploma;
- the general or professional license;
- DESJEPS : State diploma of youth, education and sport;
- DCG: diploma of accounting and management.
This is a list of examples of level 6 RNCP titles. The majority of bachelor’s degrees in communication schools are listed in level 6. This title is obtained after 3 years of post-bac training.
NCCP level 5
Level 5 in the RNCP groups together the different diplomas of bac+2. We are talking about the BTS degree and its hundreds of specialties. The DEUST or the diploma of scientific and technical university studies and the BM brevet de maîtrise are level 5. The BM is a diploma awarded by the chambers of trade and crafts. We also include the CPGE or classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles. You are awarded the RNCP level 5 title after 2 years of study.
NCCP level 4
In the RNCP level 4 title, there are mainly general, professional and technological baccalaureates. On the other hand, you have the CAPD which is a legal capacity. Level 4 is also equivalent to the baccalaureate for those who have failed the exam. Among the titles, we have, for example, the DAEU or the diploma of access to university studies. This level also includes the BP or the professional certificate. It is prepared in 2 years after a qualification or a CAP.
NCCP Level 3
Equivalent to the CAP or certificate of professional aptitude, level 3 is an RNCP title obtained after a short training course. It can be obtained by a young student after the third grade. To do so, he/she is required to follow a 2-year course in a training center. Level 3 also includes the BEP or the brevet d’études professionnelles. This title allows you to take your first steps in the professional world.
Are Sup de Pub courses certified by the rncp?
The Sup de Pub school of communication delivers a level 7 state certification. It is obtained after 24 months in SP5 or the 5th year program. For this, you can choose between the following courses:
- manager of communication and digital strategy ;
- artistic and creative director ;
- communication and marketing manager.
The certification of the RNCP title of Sup de pub assures you a qualitative training. The school is located in Paris, Bordeaux and Lyon. After obtaining the designation, you can begin your career in the industry of your choice.
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