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How do you prepare for your Erasmus journey?

Taking part in an Erasmus programme offers students a unique opportunity to enrich their academic and personal lives. The Erasmus+ programme aims to promote student mobility, intercultural exchange and the development of professional skills. This experience transcends national borders, allowing students to experience cultural, linguistic and academic immersion.

Summary :

  • Good preparation is essential for a successful Erasmus experience.

  • From selecting a destination to finding accommodation, learning the language and cultural immersion, every step counts.

  • When you return, add value to this experience on your CV and explore new career opportunities.

  • Sup de Pub, with its Erasmus agreement, facilitates your departure abroad and offers you a study grant.

University exchanges are an enriching experience for students. The Erasmus program makes this adventure possible and facilitates the process. For a successful trip, good preparation is essential. Discover our guide to the crucial stages in organizing your Erasmus trip. From finding the ideal destination to organizing your return, we provide all our best advice.

Choosing your destination and university

Defining your priorities and objectives

Before choosing your destination, you need to determine your objectives. What do you want to achieve? It could be improving your language skills, exploring a new culture or specializing.

Search for partner universities

You can ask your school about partner institutions. This will help you find out what programs are available.

Compare study programs and entry requirements

By comparing programmes, you can find the one that is most consistent with your academic and professional goals. It also helps you refine your search for the best opportunity.

Find out about the cost of living and financial assistance

You need to take the cost of living into account to ensure your financial stability once you’re there. You need to budget your expenses. You need to find out about any grants you may be eligible for.

Putting together your application

Fill in the application form

This is your first contact with the university. Read the instructions carefully and prepare your information in advance.

Writing a covering letter

Your covering letter should highlight your qualifications and your interest in the program. It should be personalized and structured.

Obtain transcripts and diplomas

Your diplomas and transcripts are essential to show how far you’ve come. To obtain them, contact your school.

Preparing your installation

Finding accommodation

Generally speaking, university halls of residence offer dedicated rooms for international students. These can be booked in advance. You can also search for a flat or shared flat online.

Taking out home and health insurance

To protect yourself in the event of incidents or health problems, you need to take out home and health insurance. Compare offers and choose according to your needs. Carefully read the terms of the contract regarding exclusions, excesses and reimbursements.

Learning the language of the host country

Taking language courses

Before you leave, you should take online or face-to-face language courses. There are also applications that allow you to practise the language. Being fluent in the host country’s language makes it easier to integrate.

Finding language partners

It is possible to find language groups or clubs. These make it easier to meet people and find a partner to talk to on a regular basis.

Immerse yourself in the local culture

You can find out more about the local culture before you leave. Don’t hesitate to take part in cultural activities to explore customs and traditions. This could be through festivals or art exhibitions.

Making the most of your Erasmus experience

Traveling and discovering new places

The Erasmus experience is a unique opportunity. To make the most of it, you need to plan your trip and schedule visits to historic sites or parks.

Take part in activities organized by the university

Host institutions often prepare interesting events: conferences, festivals or sports competitions. Find out more about your university’s events calendar.

Returning to France and making the most of your experience

Updating your resume and cover letter

After your Erasmus experience, you should update your resume to reflect the knowledge you have acquired. You can include your participation in the program in your international experience. Highlight your new language skills and your ability to adapt.

Looking for a job or training in France or abroad

On your return, you can either enter the professional world or continue your studies. You may find opportunities in France or abroad. Your Erasmus experience sets you apart from other applicants. Use your professional and social network to look for the best offers.

Does Sup de Pub have an Erasmus agreement?

At Sup de Pub, our students can spend the second semester of their third year abroad. We have 40 partner establishments and campuses in London, San Francisco and New York.

Departures vary depending on your course of study and your campus in France. The aim is to guarantee the quality of your studies and the continuation of your training. We have an Erasmus agreement, which enables you to obtain a study grant.