Why go to a communications school on a sandwich course?
Work-linked training in the communications field has many advantages. Firstly, it is the perfect way to build a professional career while acquiring theoretical knowledge at the same time. A range of programmes are available to support students in their academic and professional projects.
Communication: a sector full of opportunities
More and more school leavers are interested in communications. Taking a work-linked training course in this sector opens up a number of possibilities. For example, our work-study students can build a career in event communications. In other words, they can organise trade fairs and other similar events.
The media world also requires solid communication skills (oral and written). Our work-linked communications school will help you build strong links with your future partners. What’s more, companies are constantly recruiting communications experts to improve their information systems.
Finally, taking a work-linked communications course contributes to personal development. The theoretical and practical skills acquired help develop writing, leadership and project management skills. In the best work-linked communications schools, work-linked students find a job directly after completing their course.
The advantages of work-linked training in communications
Opting for work-linked training in communications offers a number of advantages. Work-linked students benefit from the supervision of an expert to support them throughout their training. Together, they work on practical cases. For example, trainees look for the best solutions for improving the company’s communications strategy.
Immersion placements are an opportunity for work-study students in communications to work on real projects. In this way, work-linked training allows them to immerse themselves in a professional culture. In addition, participants develop their experience in the field to better understand the challenges of communication. Work placements are paid, depending on the organisation involved. By the end of the sandwich course in communication, participants are fully operational.
How does a work-linked communications school work?
A work-linked communications school offers a complete course in professional communications. The aim is to help participants develop the best communication solutions for the company. Students should be able to plan and control communication tasks at the end of the course.
Studying at a communications school on a sandwich course prepares students for a wide range of career opportunities. They can work in advertising, relationship marketing, public relations, journalism or advertising campaigns. More importantly, the professional experience gained during the work-linked training course makes the student more credible in the eyes of recruiters.
Students can complete their4th and5th years on a 24-month work-study contract. The first six months alternate between classes at school and work placements in companies. During the last six months, students gain further experience in a company on a full-time basis. For5th year students, the training and work placements are complemented by seminars throughout the year.
What are the advantages of a work-linked communications school?
Support from communications experts
Students on work-study contracts at communications schools can opt for an apprenticeship contract. This is a fixed-term or open-ended contract between the trainee and the employer. The student follows a sandwich course in the company under the guidance of an apprentice master. The company covers all the training costs.
Benefits for students
Students on an apprenticeship scheme work 35 hours a week in the same way as employees. Students on sandwich courses are entitled to 5 weeks’ paid holiday per year. An additional 5 days are granted for exam preparation.
Basic pay varies according to the age and progress of the student. By way of illustration, it is 55% of the SMIC for under-18s in their third year. For students aged 26 and over in their third year, the remuneration is equal to the SMIC. The basic salary may, however, exceed the legal frameworks depending on the regulations in force within the company.
From a tax point of view, there are three major advantages for work-linked students at a communications school:
- Firstly, remuneration is not subject to employee contributions (up to 79% of the minimum wage);
- then the remuneration is exempt from income tax up to the annual SMIC ceiling;
- lastly, the remuneration is exempt from CSG (Contribution Sociale Généralisée) and CRDS (Contribution au Remboursement de la Dette Sociale).
Does Sup de Pub offer work-linked communication courses?
To take advantage of these benefits, all you have to do is enrol in a work-linked communications school like Sup de Pub. Our school awards state-recognised diplomas, making it easier for students to enter the job market. The communications sector is particularly competitive on the job market, which means you need to be trained to meet the needs of companies. Fully aware of the needs of the market, our school offers you professional training to match your career plans.
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