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Where can I study marketing?

Studying marketing is not limited to a university education. Learning about marketing is a lifelong process. This is a topical issue at a time when marketing and management degrees are increasingly in demand from companies. Indeed, demand is constantly increasing both in France and abroad. But which Master’s in marketing should you choose? Where can…


where can you study marketing?

There are several places where you can study marketing. Many universities offer marketing courses, but some educational establishments also offer this type of training online. For example, you can complete your bachelor’s degree and go on to do your master’s at a specialist school.

Business schools also offer marketing courses, and even specialist marketing programmes if you want to go further. There are also other schools, such as communications schools. Not only will you learn all the basics in the first year, but you can also choose a specialism from bac+2 onwards.

Are there different types of marketing training?

Yes, there are various training courses in marketing, which fall into two broad categories.

The first category is academic training. These are the classic studies for which you can apply at Bac +3 or higher. These courses are often long, lasting between 3 and 6 years. However, there are also short courses lasting between 1 and 2 years.

The second category is vocational training. These courses are offered by public schools and are aimed at professionals with a minimum of 3 years’ higher education. These courses generally last between 1 and 2 years and enable you to develop your skills so that you acquire the qualities needed to work in marketing.

what are the criteria for choosing a marketing course?

When choosing a marketing course, there are a number of criteria to consider:

The first criterion to consider is the length of the course. Depending on your level of study, you can choose between short and long courses. The long course is more interesting, as it allows you to develop your skills and perfect your knowledge.

The second criterion to take into account is the region where you want to do your training. Marketing courses are generally located in large cities such as Paris, Lyon, Rennes and Bordeaux.

The third criterion is the location of the course. You should choose your school according to your career aspirations. You should also take into account the credibility of the diploma and the reputation of the school in question.

Finally, the last criterion to take into account is the budget allocated to your training. Marketing training is quite expensive. The cost of marketing training varies according to the level of education you already have and the type of course you want to follow.

how to find a marketing course

To find a marketing training course, you can seek advice from an organisation specialising in marketing training. This type of organisation can be found in many towns and cities in France. You can also search the internet to find out which schools offer marketing courses. You can also ask around for advice. You can also attend careers fairs.

competitive entrance exams for marketing business schools

To get into a business school that’s right for you, you can take a competitive entrance exam. There are many competitive entrance exams for business schools, but they are not always accessible.

To register for a competitive entrance exam, you need to register online.

First of all, you can find out about the dates of the competitive entrance exams for business schools. Competitive entrance exams are organised during the academic year. You can therefore prepare for them according to the date of the exam. To do this, you need to study several subjects that are on the competitive entrance exam syllabus. You can go through the preparatory courses.

what is the content of marketing training courses?

There are a number of different options for training in marketing . In all cases, you’ll need to take basic courses about marketing, such as those dealing with business issues. You can also take courses that will help you become a better salesperson. You may choose to take a course in operational marketing.

Marketing courses generally last between 2 and 3 years. Depending on the course you choose, you can opt for either traditional or practical training.

The classic course will enable you to acquire marketing skills in all disciplines, while the ‘practical’ course will enable you to deal with more specialised subjects in specific areas.

how do I get into a business school to study marketing?

Would you like to study marketing at a business school? Here are the steps to follow. First, you need to choose a school that suits you. If you are already studying, you can try to follow a route that will enable you to obtain dual certification: your school’s diploma and a specialised certification in marketing. To get into a business school, you will have to go through a rigorous selection process.

Most business schools admit only a small number of students, and admissions are very rigorous. To apply to a business school, you will need to compile an application file containing all the necessary information about your course of study. You will also have to pass an interview to prove your motivation and your desire to enter the course. You will then have to sit a written and oral entrance exam. You will not be admitted to the school until you have passed the competitive entrance exam.